Monday, February 5, 2018

Form and Function

Form and Function

Loosely based on real life events.
No animals were harmed during the production of this piece and one sincerely hopes that remains the  case post it's perusal
  /******************** DISCLAIMER ***********************/

So, last night my friend Ant from the USofA whatsapped me , telling me excitedly how her 8 yr old son won the Spelling Bee Contest in his school at his grade level. My immediate, possibly harsh response was 'Oh, congratulations! You have now become one of THOSE NRI parents' accompanied by a sardonic emoji which she rightly ignored and proceeded to spell out (yes, intended) all the gory details of how nerve wracking it was for parents to see their child go through those multiple elimination rounds and how it reminded her of her own quizzing contest travails as a child.
When she was finally done with her piece and perhaps found her peace (again intended) with me, she finally confessed that she never thought she would one day become THAT NRI Parent.
All this talk of THIS n THAT with her triggered an epiphany in me ... THAT i was a 'THAT' too in my own way...
Let me explain I’ve joined a gym recently (Yes that's right you lazy fucks who  joined a gym only in the New Year as some sort of resolution to god knows what!  I start the previous year in December and will probably end in March – yeah that's how I’m going to steal a ‘march’ over you) .
Anyhoo, at this gym I’ve met this young, nubile 22 yr old gal with whom I’ve hit it off SENSATIONALLY WELL!!
Yes you heard that right, me a 40+ yr old middle aged man hitting it off with a 22 yr old woman.
I always used to wonder what is the deal between younger women and older/middle aged men, never understood that equation and then just like that it struck me while speaking to my friend ANT about this other 'THAT' THAT I have become THAT middle-aged man!
Now THAT I AM, I think i am finally beginning to see why!
You see, men and women have always been wired differently - though the underlying principle has been the same, in what i'd like to call the form and function theory.
Women have been wired to choose function over form (given that they are so blessed with 'form') while us shapeless, out of 'form' guys with a tool dangling between our legs (clearly meant for functional use only) were obviously wired to always choose form over function.
The mind always craves for what the body does not have?
Nothing screams 'functional' to me like a middle aged man. I hear you screaming back at me saying 'WTF SOM!  A middle aged man in his 40s is anything but THAT - You may say life for him is on slow ebb - Be it his hairline, his testosterone, his wrinkled ball sac….
Aha! That is where i have you! I say it is this very slow ebb and the domesticities of life/marriage that has dulled his ability/freedom to translate every thought of his out loud into actual speech.
It is this trait that endears him most to young women only who have the vanity to truly believe that the world revolves around them and would love nothing more than sharing this world view with anybody and all they need is a guy who can shut the fuck up and lend a patient, well-worn ear to them.
Hail the middle aged man who puts the definitive 'F' in 'Function'
and THAT is your middle-aged man signing off